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The Devlin brothers, founders of Db3,
with the company’s initial employees

Washington State Licensed

Producer and Processor of
Premium Marijuana Infused Blends

Your lessons begin at Zootology.com

The Db3 Vision: Committed to doing it right

When voters in Washington State issued their directive to legalize cannabis and its related byproducts, they not only set the pace for the rest of the nation, they also inspired three brothers born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. The brothers, with a passion for food products excellence, had a vision of quality, consistency and controlled consumption in cannabis edibles, and they founded Db3 to deliver on that vision.

Working with industry experts, the brothers developed the Cypress Extraction Method™, a proprietary plant essence extraction process that results in cannabis oil rich in natural compounds of THC, cannabinoids and terpenes. In their state-of-the-art processing facility, and employing strict food safety standards, they blend this special oil with other all-natural ingredients to create tasteful food and beverage products that enable the consumer to control their own experience.

Db3 is committed to offering products that can be trusted to deliver a safe, consistent and enjoyable experience – and to marketing those products in a socially responsible manner.

The founding Devlin brothers, invite all those in Washington State over the age 21 to enjoy Db3 products, which will soon be available in licensed stores under the ZOOTS brand.